when is it now

jeudi 5 novembre 2009

I vainly tried to understand the human, it is so unpredictable, it is believed to advance when a sudden it goes right into the tall grass while the road ahead is straight, should we believe that he does not want to ease that boredom is the story of men, some of them out of the shadows to be held against wind and tide their symbolic position, all other dive into the mud with relish , pigs at teatime, the more ugly the more they revel in that moment made of adversity, they convey the message that everyone is hanging, you better be on the safe side, life should be fun They are counting on the good faith of the poor to the outrageously wrong, that has lasted thousands of years, I imagine that even the Cro-Magnons had the hooks over who would dominate the other is in human nature deeply unequal, no system is immune, especially not those that promise of human happiness as the communists, we replace the securities yesterday emperor or king, now secretary of the party, the only system that says what he thinks it's capitalism, it does not promise happiness, he said simply, one who wants to earn lots of money it must take many risks, such as money does not buy happiness, and especially in the turns proposes to place material comfort worthy of Egyptians who went to the long journey to death with all their treasures

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