when is it now

lundi 30 novembre 2009

thinking is short to think fast enough to always be wrong, it saves time on the dark reality, what is light if you hide your eyes for fear of seeing the truth in front, the side is more quiet, it gives a somewhat diminished, but it's good is what we need, regardless of loss, not jumping in front stagnation quiet, nothing happens for generations, forgetful of modernity Essentially, what we do with these wonderful discoveries of science when we just need a friend, talk for five minutes, is to forget the world, the earth moves if she wants, I'm getting older every second, but while I talk and listen when he speaks, I did not realize that I lost valuable time, I won the chance to see my friend tomorrow to continue our discussion, is how I understand the existence, a set of simple pleasures who succeed without connections between them, a complex result for a tiny human being can claim eternal happiness, a moment just for the day, you look back later, I was at that time, I am no more but it does not take me more than a neuron to remember, when we know that the brain can contain billions of information, I do not make me worry for my Future

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