when is it now

jeudi 5 novembre 2009

fall ideas I gained little by little, it is far time courage idiot, now I'm careful where I step over night out, the adventure is more at risk of internal me from the living world, ^ be a copy of which enclosed butterfly behind glass to protect from dust and time is what I want, I know I am not immortal and j hope one day to see the world the dead eye and the mind empty, more emotions that interrupt the view, all the past moments that arise when we did not ask, you do not control large thing in his life, we feel able to move forward but in reality everything is in shadow, like puppets on agitated to go right or left, the most intelligent guess what is the best way to go faster than others, at the same time they blocked the main exits from the blow less fortunate can not move, mercy, poverty rope hanging in front of you, but hope to move promising forward, forget that the time is not for me, the moment turns into the facility, I'm alive, how many died without welcome overcome the bitterness is a reason to be happy, even without immediate satisfactions , constructive thinking can establish a plan of inaction light, if I am I am, days pass, years pass, the passing decades, centuries did not pass,

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