when is it now

vendredi 13 novembre 2009

without further ado, I now turn to the immediate, the idea is there, it heats, it burns, I can not understand the unbearable, he must leave immediately for that envy is finally released, whole being, like milk, I'm not half, I am one, it's my ambition, we are so used to working with pieces, one for work, one for the family, part pleasure, part one to boredom, I'm sick of cake, I'm disgusted, too fat, too many habits, I am currently changing every second, unable to predict whether the next moment will soon be ready comes without any preparation, we would have a career, a family managed, but one day, everything stops unwittingly life creates the momentum, like a raging sea, the human navigates it with a shell nuts, in a loud voice he said master, but before finishing his sentence, a wave prevails, there are only words, the body no longer exists, you can still read texts of the Sumerians on platelets clay, there are thousands of years, bodies are written words, his mind frozen forever, the floating spirit can not resist the time, is it too free to resist the evils of love, freedom to love

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