when is it now

vendredi 13 novembre 2009

I will not go to church Sunday, I've had enough they tell me that I am a fisherman, fisherman something first, then I fish if I want, freedom is the foundation of society, I where I want provided it does not interfere with others is my only limit, and I expect others to leave me alone, that said, what about the fate, why life, where have I, where am I on one side of my organs, the other my soul, he must eat to live, but it's not enough to hope, I saw more and more I see the desperation in people, they are taken in their daily lives and can not raise his eyes to heaven to understand that the day is as deep as the sea, as high as the stars, the service time of the day calls us to pray, recognize our limitations as human beings, unable to overcome the urge to eat sauerkraut, it would be better with two sausages, but to achieve the unselfish love, it takes more than cabbage should be planted hatred deep within themselves to give way to ease exchange, I, you, they, immediately ready to be together is the only ideal I pursue more closely, I fail often but it's part of I, you, they, despite all I want to be the first to be unique, we will participate in the grand design of life is beyond us, amen

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