when is it now

lundi 23 novembre 2009

one day I'd come as I am, but how could I forget, lose myself in the absolute necessity of living, I can not afford not to conceive me, it does not depend on me I was created in the cosmos come to birth, oblivion of eternity, the incarnation of evil, blackmailing the drive to reach does not sink immediately in accessing private output, advanced chaotic for some reason, anyway I do not know anything about me, I exist yet for years but I can not decide if I should start or end, where am I, where, to what, under what circumstances I can put a cross in the right box, it's insane, I've never seen anything like this, when you think about all those unhappy while we live without worrying about the heavenly vision, come closer, it actually disturbing, but the current state of our knowledge, the answer may be satisfactory for the believers in the possibility of evil is acceptable, that's all we can say what is unacceptable is out of range It should be devoid of envy, a supernatural being who could match Jesus, the first time it happened two thousand nine, before there was nothing, the silence of the evolution in the dark

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