when is it now

mardi 14 juin 2011

after seeing life, seeing time pass, to see people live, and never do it again, once is enough, once expected, once for not understanding, once to go into the night,telling stories , no longer believe in Santa Claus, take each moment as if it were the last, but before you know what you want, how many times organized by chance, the project is limited to a few minutes, a day you said  i need to spend more time to go around because of the issue it is not certain that a life long enough, because we know that towards the end we do nothing, fatigue is too large, the Energy is  gone,expected in late griping is all that remains, so I do not count those years in the development of my ideas, focusing today, hours pass, I try to take position, if I'm there is for something specific, I do not do anything, the goal is set with hairs in the nose, but do not worry, you can always cut them, it depends on the style you want to have, that is the goal of life that every step forward, one has time even if everyminute is lost, once, once that spans decades,

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