when is it now

mercredi 19 octobre 2011

the conduct of life is like driving a car, you can go first is slow and winded, in second it's better but not there yet, third is the regularity the engine is running at home, in the fourth one can go on the highway, but soon it's the fifth, we do not think about anything, the road is straight, the engine is silent, it gentleness, soon the end, we fought, we slowed down, it sped up, why do, why break, come and go, go, feel, fear, thinking, actions, thoughts, attempts,happiness, waiting, one life to grow, more and more, less, one day we go to the other side is like that, nothing can be done, laugh, funny, and finally I am still what I was, it is reassuring to think that the world revolves automatically,there is nothing to do, it runs continuously, what can I do in this round, a small tower in sand and then goes away, a story that ends badly, hope is still amazing, it comes as a surprise, what joy, you are well, we do not think about the problems, everything is there, now, laugh, funny, happy vision,

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