when is it now

mercredi 19 octobre 2011

thus and not otherwise, the path is unique, no output accessories, everything happens right in front, I would have wanted, but the reality is cold, it advances without looking, it darkens in the light, it is the internal evidence, nothing moves, everything is there, no other place, I am where I am, what am I, a moment, now, 8 hours 3, soon, hope, fear go, I will go well, it's a desire that has no basis, I wanted to be a long time ago, but at the very beginning I had nothing to do, the project of my life is not mine, today I feel the need to tell me it's time to exist, it is a feeling that comes more and more strongly as I live, how to continue to claim to happiness if you just the minimum I want the maximum in order to feel good, it's a big claim, but I don't see  other way out for between a long program with no guarantee of success, but the problem is not there, what matters is to agree with yourself, that's the hardest, you must first know what we are, then we must find the agreement, work every day, every morning we go again more or less, some days I rush at once on the target, but other times I start bad, wait until it passes, it's tiring but life requires move from one extreme to the other

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