when is it now

mardi 11 octobre 2011

the meaning is obvious, it is here, but how can we be sure that it is common sense, I know nothing of life, I do not understand, why be here, why get lucky, why am I in my idea and not another, I can not think in every sense, I know that, otherwise I might know of other things, but my body does not allow me to see what others think, I cross them, I feel, little by little they help me to position myself in the crowd, I trace my way because of them, I begin to know my limits, one day i hope be aware of my boundaries , that would be an improvement, it is difficult to be sure of yourself when you do not know how far we can go, this information is available on the condition to make the effort to get lost to see exactly what is the reality is misleading, we think we see what exists, but after hours of freedom we see bodies disappeared in the living there is a trace of the old who died, very carefully you can see these images of the past around living bodies, but as we do not see them easily, we can not say they can help us live as he is truly amazing to see everything, the reality explodes, you know how generations cling all these are missing something to say, live happy

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