when is it now

mercredi 26 octobre 2011

once, twice, how often, if I used to drive properly I could have consideration, but I could not find how it should be formany, I have a black swimsuit, then there must be a reason, we always find one, this is most easily found, such as chocolate bars, bakeries, pharmacies, dive into bankruptcy personal, what a good time, an immediate solution for the chance to switch to green light, we gain two minutes, it's important, what should I do after, is it not important to see what happening now, I have not put on the fire, I can stay there as long as I want, at least until the night when the light goes away I know it's time to go I remember that awaits me in the warmth of the fireplace, used to enjoy for years, is becoming stronger and stonger and weaker and weaker, you must accumulate the experience to understand that simplicity allows easy switching

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