when is it now

vendredi 14 octobre 2011

life is a project acceptable as long as you see that everything is possible, otherwise we fall into depression, it is impossible to locate without spending time looking for, if any is available, one can find that after years of ask questions at the beginning we see nothing, it's sad loneliness, and then one day you see something, what is it, I do not know, butI know what I did not know,  another day I see that I'm on my way, it makes me happy, that's how I go, I look at myself, I look at the others, we look at each other we love each other, we do not know, it is ignorance, people have forgotten that they loved each other, thousands of years separate us from the paradise lost, the time was the love everywhere, it broke because the human being no remains in place, it must always be restless in every sense, everything is there, but he does not see it, it goes elsewhere, he loses, he wins, nothing distracted, he would have the wisdom, as we age we can put your hands on the table, there is not much of what was, a tiny body that breathes, what make in his life

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