when is it now

jeudi 20 octobre 2011

I came to see, then I left to be sure of finding myself alone, we can not always be together, it takes time to recharge in solitude and then try to cling to others, sometimes it does not work, we feel that the majority is not available, I'm not strong enough to swing the mood in a different direction, I expect, down, ready to do nothing, it does not depend on me, it need to be silent, there is nothing to do, I prefer to empty, everything is there, I want to understand a story that continues, before taking what is mine, we do not share large thing, tomorrow I'll know if it works, we must admit that doubt is immense, one day is enough to realize that was wrong for years, why can not we see it coming, the unknown can be scary, he falls at once, do not bother to put a helmet, it crushes everything, nothing remains, a memory shivering in the rain, a limited understanding of the surface view, nothing is known about nothing, it suits me, I did not sit down as quickly, in a sense it is clear that madness is near, you can not go all the way without losing the notion of evidence, the details are numerous, they lay me down to earth, I can hardly breathe, it's all so heavy, I did not think I would have to bear all this,

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