when is it now

mercredi 12 octobre 2011

once I live, I begin to understand that life is an experience of truth, the human lies so easily, it's a sport,  who lies most for the most money, the more lie more power, each has his cross, I prefer to go straight, since I was born, I saw, now I stay where I am, I am where I am, will I be always good is a belief, even if my bodyis a stranger, I do not know if one day the badcells will power to put me ko, until I take every moment, I look out the window, it's not nice, it is not serious, I'msure I'll be able to pass beyond the clouds, I will seek always the sun to enlighten me without me burn, it's a dream come to life, I was careless, I did not know the life is a struggle, we must do a lot for no results, it is at this point that one becomes what one is, when all seems lost, one day among others, why it happens, is an unfathomable mystery, we live on earth and it is not going toward the center, we see the stars but they do not see us, I am myself and others  they are, the bodies are beautiful or ugly, in heads you put what you want, joy or pain, it does not do what we wants, we do not know what we want, life is funny until it s not, it does not depend on me

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