when is it now

lundi 10 octobre 2011

an emergency happens, time is taken, I do not know what to expect, one more step, a gentle slope, a plane crash, what else, a desire to appear closer to the evidence, I am a single, it does not bother me, I'm used to, anyway if the rice was overcooked it out of the pan and can not go on the plate, we had put the butter on the table, would have to be careful, but would have had to know in life we do not know what is important, so how could we be careful we do not trust it, we are open for anything, it is closed for what really matters, but that we do know that if you die after life explains everything that was not in evidence, but at the time as could have been what was hidden, we are told that it is our fault, there was only love, but for the life it is closer to hatred than love, we try to understand each other, but soon we return to ourselves, who am I in this relationship, we seek, we forget the other, when we find we are no longer at the same time, then you get used to not be close, it is a story that slowly builds without lens, the human can not commit long term, it exhausts itself in an unequal contest,crushing the start time and leaves a very small over hanging for years, but how to be otherwise, every morning we start, we'll see if it takes until the evening

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