when is it now

lundi 10 octobre 2011

good, I try again, I do not know what to do every day is the same story, you must get up, hear his heart beat, I go with a conviction, I am happy ever after, I  believe, even if nothing works, I stopped, why start, it's not question, the reality is always in motion, we can try to hang on a moment, what is the hardest is to take what is too often unnecessary information is collected, it takes time, you can not get rid of it stuck to the bottom of the being, one comes to wonder if it does not count for two, after one is a progression, what a surprise, it was believed to decide what we wanted to do, ultimately it does not work at all as they wanted in life is heading straight but once you look back and you realize that you went too far, you have to turn around, what happens, I wonder, is it real surely I'm dreaming, I'm walking on cotton, there is more noise, I had died, but no, the alarm rings, I leave my bed, it's light, the earth has turned, and I have I turned and turned in bed trying to sleep, speaking Chinese, receiving the pope, eating pasta in wood, I start at full speed, I'm not afraid, my fate is traced,

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