when is it now

jeudi 4 juin 2009

bodies that explode, you are looking for black boxes, plastic seats, but no bodies, they exploded, plus a crumb or on the contrary millions of scattered crumbs, even a trail of fuel increases, we see the sky spread over the sea, white spot on the blue sea, but all these bodies, 228 people engulfed in space, this chair topped intelligence, friendship, heart, nothing remains, even though plastic chair can still be seen swimming on the surface, what is the human race invented objects that last longer than humans, the skin is not a defense to the violence they contain inside to avoid that it overflows, but the outside can destroy, weakness extraordinary strengths of these people, masters of their lives, more than a long-term unemployed person who does not move from his home unless he lived near Roissy when the Concorde crashed short, it does not change the problem, a black box more than 228 bodies, why not know exactly what happened, people died crushed without suffering, others languish in the hospital since years while awaiting a heart or a kidney, do nothing of the flight from Rio, more body, but pieces of cabin or a seat in heavy duty plastic, is to what we should think of combinations plastic to resist shock and could float if you fall into the ocean, there would then recover the bodies as living

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