when is it now

vendredi 19 juin 2009

the week is over, that means the weekend starts, the first weekend it does not mean much, because that is to say negative end, which end at the end of the week, but the end it is the beginning of something else, early on Saturday for example, Friday is the end, and just behind it is the beginning, but we do not know what is happening is the unknown, the start from scratch when it is all weeks, any ambition happens in five days, a lifetime runs from morning till night for specific days, not fancy, it is a military, it rises the morning to shave, tie, pale face, set, go for win, but Friday night it's over, over, two-day truce, before retirement, a water garden, an old woman who said at the table, the glory has passed, as the wind blew from the trees, off a career, a life sentence, the body is destroyed, and before the successive generations, each waiting for the battle of age, each s collapse in pain, the old password by hand, the sun goes down, but tomorrow will leave the living to conquer a mountain of ridiculous, which is paying the rent, pay taxes and still pay for it then we need work, happiness is also short moments

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