when is it now

jeudi 4 juin 2009

in life must expect the worst, and you are not disappointed, death everywhere, wars, assassinations, the killing, crazy flying écraseurs of life, the question is not find where there was the inevitable commits choose where nothing happens, it's hard to say, even in isolated locations, especially in isolated places, things are happening, it is better to be in a city average, not too many people, limit the opportunities to meet death because of other, as they are few, it makes less harmful, it is a matter of proportion, it is better to avoid too small towns, large opportunity to cross a geek who is caught for Jesus in the middle of the campaign spirit and frolic on a road where he does that person gives desires that would not be in town, with traffic, it disrupts the divine message but good, there's no certainty, I live daily content did not meet death, I am still young, and in my country there is a majority of people who die at 80, obviously not all he must die to twenty years, even one day I will never in Rio by plane, or in 80 years

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