when is it now

jeudi 4 juin 2009

long ago, men ate raw, one day, the fire fell from the sky on a lost sheep, she was foudroyée and with it a set of head and bouquet garni, who was at his feet, not far from this beast prepared for the wedding, there lived a group of people in bad shape, after eating raw, their stomachs hanging over their knees, but the thrill was soon back, nostrils dilated, guided by the smoky smell of grilled meat, they hurried and a quarter of an hour later the group full of people like never began dancing and singing songs from pre-war at the time of their lost youth, but that the world had changed for the better, eating was good and capable of thinking about life without twisting pain, but how to repeat the experience, digestion increased, the concern showed his teeth, we want to eat hot, summarize, we were in the cave to protect us from thunder Suddenly, the smell reaches our nostrils, just after a great light, light is what gives grilled scent, light she is hot, pushing further reflection, the light of the thunder is the same as sunlight , doing an experiment, Albert pass me your glasses, look, I put the glasses between the sun and lots of herbs, to the surprise of many glasses of Albert had ignited the pile of grass, this development enabled the human race to build cities

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