when is it now

lundi 22 juin 2009

should dispense with the superfluous, super flux, it is moving fast, everything, but mostly in the sky always remains since it is there without moving for millions of years, people pass him a few years and yes it's already over, goodbye sky, hello eternal night, anguished farewell sadness, all the days that ultimately hollow evil, ironically, life is just that, a succession of days without a plan, eat, sleep and forward to nothing, or rather inaction, it is declining, it does not, from birth to death, stationary, unique position relative to the stars, o na feel change when we move, when you change jobs, but they are insignificant changes, the space is there, he decides the order of the planets, but the human brain in his personal planet, a kind of tag it sends messages selfish, I am alone, other m'ennuient, I reason, all these thoughts occupy an important place in the brain, as a man forgets that he is nothing in space, just star dust, on the contrary, the human considers himself a god when he says anything, it seeks to impose its law when the only law of life is the sky which imposes he turns the earth

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