when is it now

lundi 15 juin 2009

Traduction : français » anglais

should come in the area spend most of the activities, it also loses his time, do not listen to those who claim to possess the truth, the only thing that really exists on earth is going in the right place at the right time, where is the place to find it at every moment, it is somewhere in his subconscious, how to get him to renounce the desire to leave, collect most of his life so that the bag is empty, you know, the bag of trouble, it grinds black, regret, remorse, on the vacuum bag itself to be capable of the worst and the best, here we are in the balance, not penalty up to the curtain, the exercise is not dangerous, it is simply to focus at ground level, there is happy, the others are away, all those who are hurting and even those who are well, nobody comes to disturb the order, everything is in order, luxury, calm and voluptuousness, now more than a precious diamond, be yourself fully in the middle of the stars in motion, the human being never stopped breathing, then it's time to leave, go with others, regulate the relations between oneself and the world, waiting for a statement, pass through here, find a way to keep everything in memory, I went thereby

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