when is it now

vendredi 19 juin 2009

in an approximate time I will be as well that is a hope that was checked in the past, without really thinking, I realized that if I thought ten years ago on happiness concerning the existence, I wish I could live as I am now, as I did not, I corrected the shooting and I started the foresight of future happiness, which has existed can reasonably be repeated ten years it is not much when one is not born in the midst of life is just a small creek to cross, then it is not difficult, however I do not like equations with two unknowns, one is enough for me, life in all its magnificent splendor, not to mention the gulf just off the bottomless pit of despair everyday, each day is enough sentence, it does not each day is enough joy, the joy as if we had a packet of ten, or I say every day is enough joy, even very small, a ray of sunshine, a dirt dog on the sidewalk, a thought to the master asses idiot for letting his dog shit where it's going to work, mankind is here, people developed brain, capable of counting 10 over 10 and so on, these people are able to leave behind them an opportunity to swear, shoe stuck

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