when is it now

lundi 15 juin 2009

meaning is it good, do not I'm going against the direction, or a sign, but how the knowledge, the law tells me what I should do, but for example, a law to assist foreign irregular, it is forbidden to help a poor, should we disobey, we know that the law is the culmination of collective behavior, we are stronger, we represent the correct order, it is said that the order is bourgeois in the sense that it encourages what has the culture, those who have no access to such as these have the choice either to become an artist and live outside the world, to work earning some money , which fails to grow, yet we live in a democracy, our situation is not comparable to that of three quarters of the world, the rich are a handful deal with billions of poor people, but when we know to speak with intelligence can seduce the poor with promises to be rich, and it works for thousands of years, what has changed over time is the increase of the population had risen to 6 787 841 632 people, in 1700 only six hundred million and they are all dead, nothing we say about happiness accessible, there are many books on the subject, but no formula that would allow everyone to live intensely the present moment

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