when is it now

mardi 21 juillet 2009

the birth takes place in several stages, first there must be a father and a mother, two people who are known in mysterious circumstances and decided to unite their bodies and minds to imagine an uncertain future for their children What tremendous gamble, how much faith in tomorrow, then the step occurs forty years later when life turns into reality, all the previous years were used to prepare the new world that is unfolding before my astonished eyes of adult returning to childhood, I can not stand me, I need help to remember that I am what I am, this is not serious but I would rather hear me say something simple rather than singing the praises without passing a good time, it depends on the station under construction, the roundabout in the passion of a life, no resolution of equations, sale low price, purgatory on a daily basis, I do to see that the solution, but I do not want to stay too long, I have so many useless things to do is agree tomorrow, but still come with the hope it can be useful and pleasant

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