when is it now

mercredi 29 juillet 2009

the planet rotates in a sense, the universe is in its place, but then what is mine, I have no fix, everything moves around me, even inside my body I feel that the balance is fragile, but without knowing me, I breathe regularly, finding the beautiful blue sky and i never miss an opportunity to be happy, it does not last very long but enough so that I can remember long after, I know that happiness is, I met him, he is a very busy, it should bring good news to everyone in the world, so it just provide a crumb, but it shines like a star, we want to last a lifetime, but just thought it was about keeping it as a treasure, she is coming out, I remain alone with an open mind, it's not depression, is vacuum around me, where am I, who am I, waiting without hope of answer, life is a puzzle impossible to solve, the relationships are complex, envy disastrous, how to go straight, one is obliged to turn right or left, in dark corners, the light became unbearable, he had to be true, everyone was walking along the same lines, I say stop, happiness is not universal, we are each in a corner to try

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