when is it now

jeudi 16 juillet 2009

in the right path of truth humans astray, where I am, what I do, the wrong choice, I hate, I'm indifferent, I missed, but I am not a saint, others are my enemies, I must fight alongside the others, are they lambs or lions, I do not know how familiar they seem sweet but I was in my youth taught to beware of the water that sleeps, when she wakes up it is too late, the youth share brightness, nothing remains of children, the vision is real, the dream turns into nightmare, the birds sing, but the heart is no longer, i must be up every morning to complete my destiny, but how to fill the day without evening confess that this time is lost, tomorrow is uncertain, will I succeed in crossing the line of despair, but I still hope for how long, one day sufficient to outweigh the hope, the sun shines, I'm happy, it is always saved, in an hour I do not know what will happen, bad news, good news, who chooses, who decides, then should we be always the same, capable of bouncing back or can I play several characters, generous and selfish, no, it must be the same from birth to death, implacable direction

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