when is it now

mercredi 22 juillet 2009

in what living, in the room, in the spirit of contradiction, in nothing in almost nothing, no accuracy, no desire, no plan, develop means of action, join forces every day forward, life is, tomorrow is repeated, how long does it take the same path again, I have to go out, but how to find a way out, I'm already in progress, the beginning is far, the end approaching or away depending on my mood and temperature of my fears, if they are cold I do not think about it, but when they get warm I'm interested, the passion starts, where will it goes, but pay attention, you speak of myself, I ask for more respect, I am not an idiot, I know where I come from, then we'll see where I go, it also depends on others, they crush me sometimes but often I rely on them when I'm tired I push a door, I seat in a chair, waiting to be rested, they call it an action, the party visible, what it is not is reflection, that grows in the desert emotional, nothing around, nothing inside, it goes until the evening, the sun goes down and sleep rises, until tomorrow, what beautiful life, I well screw it, why still want to do more

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