when is it now

vendredi 17 juillet 2009

I expect the impossible, it does not come when I need him, but when I want to be here, he wants to move me, I am tired of having to comply with the adventure, I would like to decide of my life, but my body does not understand my desire, it follows the line as if my reason wasn't enough to avoid the full, in this attitude I can only guide my steps, but what about the others, I think they are there to follow me in my life, I am not a number swayed by the wind, if I think I'm unique just i say wonderful things, but if I really am alone, I am the only to understand what I think, so it is complicated, I do not want to have empty relationships, but how to fill them, I will try much humor or rather facetious, mind frolic in green meadows of love platonic, here or there will never seek to rip her dress to go to her privacy, live happily, breathe calmly, amid the violence of the body, avoid to be a madman at the height of desperation to live, if I am, i am only like this, a cake with a smile to the lady who has her breasts behind her, then I will try to spend an afternoon to dream what could be life without the bodies

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