when is it now

jeudi 23 juillet 2009

not to sink into boredom, there is only one solution, moving from one point to another until the evening, it helps to ask how long I'll stay here till I ' go there, but it is not finished, he must continue a little longer, you see that you do not have time to fall into depression, you're busy to spend, you are in motion, life does 'never ends, you can trust it and follow the pace until the night is a break, life goes on but you fall asleep, waking up to you take the train that takes you further than you think, Hope has no limits, it goes much further than the will, if I want to be, I must see a point on the horizon, it is far but I am ready to move towards this point of hope it allows me to build my life on a daily basis, as if I was suspended over problems that might make me drop down, i gaze away without fear, it will be a day I face finally free from doubts and brakes that force me to bump to pass, the fight is fierce, even before convincing others, I have overcome my desire not to believe in me, what's the point, life passes, the aging time, youth , old age, is already finished, we had not yet started

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