when is it now

lundi 27 juillet 2009

what is the right way to live, breathe happiness without fear of choking, spitting evil, without any fear, the urge to destroy is canceled in the passion to build, but we forget that one day every switches, so let's set our watches on an hour without problems, morning, afternoon, evening, the choices are made, roll on for years, wedged in the darkness, but suddenly the light blind us, what happen, we lose control, we will crush into the sea, or when the father dies, stage one completed, shake to restart, cruising speed, the days go by, opportunities are increasing, we can miss out on the rugged cars, we know that that could happen is a matter of right time in the right place, we talk about destiny, fate, you can not choose the crash, we prefer to Sit quiet in his chair, then the body breathes, it escaped trouble today, but tomorrow it starts again, if I pass by there, or here, it does not depend on me, I am obliged to live, if I was asked, I would say no more accidents, no more hatred, a harmonious life without love, a great indifference

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