when is it now

jeudi 30 juillet 2009

soon come a day, other than this one, it's obvious, one day does not repeat itself, it happens, it lasts from morning to evening and he left never to return, but there are forever in our life, it is stored in the brain, it takes a huge place and it is useless, it may not be watched like a movie we chose to see Saturday night, at once, without warning, one day back to the store, it is there before my eyes, I was that day younger, why the emotion does she wants to show me that day in particular, is it to help me solve a problem, not all, the brain is a mess, it randomly balance information from the past, what it shows is that we are living since then, this is how it helps me, I live for years, This is good news for myself, for others it is indifferent, there are so many humans on earth, but in my life I am, I select, I want, I think to do the dishes in one hour, I'm going out to buy bread, then I'll eat, these plans are from living, the dead do not have a project, they fall into dust, before that I want to continue to live

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