when is it now

vendredi 17 juillet 2009

when I think of winter, I am taken by regrets of this easy time of summer, why does it not last a lifetime, it will again heat the space, wear big coats, it's an image that raises the problem of just accept the difference, warm is with oneself, one is hot with his conscience, but we must face the winter, its cold, its wool coat camel, its difference, it is not easy to leave her island paradise for a filthy suburb of the Urals, but it is essential to my life, we must go on an adventure of the encounter, it can only entertain the boredom of existence, all those hours spent sleeping in front of the clock, go to the others even if it is a problem, this is a way of life, even if it seems unreasonable, I think that life goes so fast that you can take the risk of exchanging words with bears, we'll see what happens, is the key of hope, what we do, we do not know the result, or nothing is done to protect themselves, or we run the risk of getting lost en route, but the prime adventure, moving his certainties, go to the other to learn about themselves, exchanging words to be sure to understand, is better than the silence that fuels violence

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