when is it now

mardi 28 janvier 2014

if i had every

if I had every chance but one day I lost a few at the time it did not interest me , life was an indifferent unknown , but now I understand now that I am obliged to make things to stay as close to happiness , these moments are unique, I'm good, but I miss a new sensation, something that throws me , take me , to tell me I'm me , I can do what I want I will and I am not out of my step, a body that works, a look that slow my weight is more precise, on legs tougher , my journey is short , I want to go slower to see what to see, what I remember as essential fatty paper that sticks to the sidewalk , a white bike looking pollution, people who spend uneasy air that happens - it , what else , go right, like if I was seeing someone but I stop, it will not , I would have to think about , what is important to me , what is essentially, I look at the sky , I try to see the face of my father, I 'm not in a field, I arrived in the city, streets, squares , everything is noise , everything is light , but when I find myself in a store window , I see a little man picked up on it like a pile of coal, dull eye , I see that I got while in my head I always bounces as if I had ten years , it's hard to be when I saw there was a gap between thought and reality that others see me is not what I think of me, but how to believe that this is possible, it tempts me but I resist, I must be ready , if what I believe is true is that I was born to fulfill my destiny , this is my dream for years when I ' I understood that life is soft, what is hard is to continue , nothing grows there , unlike anything discourage you from doing something that is not serious when it does not exist no one can say you go ahead and break your teeth , we 'd rather see you in a safer place for a day eligible to retire , well , I see another route , a modern site without security, and certainly not retirement this word reminds me of Napoleon's army returning from Russia, it's the end of a dream , the time chosen is one, there will not be any other c this is where I put all my strength, all will sink , so I have to build myself a raft, for now I 'm suspended , it can go even if I feel it falls , is rotten in the foundation, at the time we did not pay attention but now , 20 years have passed , what remains of our youth, faded images, smells of plaster, unfounded beliefs , moments buried under huge seasons always the same , winter, spring, summer , autumn, and again but never quite as forward as experience increases the rating, the more it goes the more we know , even if we know it is nothing compared to the full extent of the depths of the cosmos and intergalactic me in my corner I get a quick result but yours years because we all live in a small place , a small nest that we want the best possible, curtains, flooring , lamps, air currents to remove bad smells, bodies age more than furniture , so everything is in a handkerchief , because everything is full also , what is normal is locked for prevent leaks , but I must stop now

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