when is it now

jeudi 23 janvier 2014

where i am

where I am is when I said , that's not to be in the same area, it makes me very deeply, because I put the time to be in the top for some something is happening here, in this system the best choice , it is possible that everything is blocked for some reason in the field of possibilities to the other room there is anxiety but I do it for fun, it's my fault right in front of the family home , but the last time I passed by , I looked, it does not move , it's quiet , I'm one step closer , I am also , it lulls me , must I wake up, but you sing me a sweet song , I am not there, it is a less swinging , I do not understand it, I have to be closer but how climb the wall , I dig a tunnel , it takes me years with a small spoon, finally I get there but in the meantime they have moved to another part of town , there is nothing where I am from other side of the wall, I took too long , but when I see that I 'm still happy because the goal was to get to the other side , now that I 'm back I can to the other hand, this is how I spend my days , I pass and I go back telling me that I can do , that's when I met someone who was in the corner , we started to see and then she told me , you know what I want , I said no , then it 's gone, it 's hard to know what a woman thinks, and then I went back to the corner where I started my hole , to my surprise I saw that someone had settled behind the wall, but when I approached , I saw that they had punched the hole, that will I do , I stood there doing nothing , hoping that brilliant idea come to my aid , this is the stage of evolution that I stayed , when we see the history of humanity , we see that there are great moments where nothing happens , and all of a sudden there is evolution, I must be in a time when nothing happens , I feel nothing , I 'm lost without knowing what to do , but I do not mind , I count the hours between sunrise and sunset , around noon I eat some seeds , it keeps me alive until tomorrow

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