when is it now

lundi 6 juillet 2009

he was doing a mistake, but how to recover in time to continue to live lightly, to say that I went in the wrong direction, it can not continue like that, I'd like to advance my thinking so that it precedes the action, so I can definitely say that I do not agree, without any desire to please, I'm in the moment of truth after it is tiring to recall to certify accuracy of thought obscure, in the light it does not lie, but you can also burn the eyes and brain, it does not play with others, no second chance, the race requires to move ahead not to smell the odors emanating from falsehood of others, but we can not stay all the time outside of the relationship, then we delve into the uncertainty of what I want, I wanted, but it is too late to go in another direction, I'm stuck like a fly against the glass, unable to see that the exit is right next to me, how long will I spend in this position lies before the truth that passes in opening the mind, impossible to see ahead, constantly check the situation, do I want to go there or stay here, I do not know, I expect

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