when is it now

jeudi 29 octobre 2009

complicity, a huge word makes me shiver from head to toe, she calls because they can not escape, because they want to join, it wants to stick as closely as is the commitment a life is betraying the end of hope, we know that life can not do without hope, we know every day on television, those who have more of hope to kill or kill their children, or both if there are enough cartridges, that's the human comedy, we laugh while eating his meal, the others are guilty, I ate quietly in front of my TV, nothing happens in my life I am, I come, I find it very strange thoughts sometimes but that does not exceed my head right now I have a feeling of happiness that comes to destroy evil thoughts, then I say that those who cross the line of death is that they have not had this reaction of hope, where is she, not humans too low to achieve this purity, it is also a grace falls at the right time, otherwise why not drop into the mud of humiliation and disrespect, let the show, we'll be better to discuss and perhaps you'll want to remove your clothes, I hope You understand that meeting a woman and a man in private research leads to intimacy

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