when is it now

dimanche 18 octobre 2009

In a sense I am not sure what direction do I go from here or here, but I do not recognize certain to cross the boundary to take people for idiots because I am not the style I take for I am not, that's why I come back often for more events that could lead me to reconsider my position over the razor and the consuming passion of life, why could not I claim to want the impossible, I'm French, though I did not choose it happened to me on a Monday, I was still in the womb of my mother when suddenly without warning I am thrown into the twelfth district, and the twentieth century, twelve times twelve hundred and forty-four, and so on and best, I only remember that my life is unfolding like a big snake that does not know where and when it broke, j ' have evolved on Wednesday, there was sun and I looked out the window, once I broke, I had enough to pass for a resizable copy, I exist as a single mold could hatch a destiny, I'm told someone whose name I forget, my father may be, he died without being able to tell me who I was, but I am, that changes everything, life awaits me, she will, too, they're not alone, we could make friends, two bodies together, we can talk, touch, until then, he must first know

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