when is it now

vendredi 23 octobre 2009

a little bitter rice, yellow rice, rice perched rice with tuna, I have long sought the wrong way and found the air passage, a dangerous place that requires a serious sense of timing, j 'was sure to be there, but I was kind enough to understand that the goal is not to put the ball above the fray, he must rub shoulders with others to understand that the sun is up at the other side of death row, I go, I'm not, I prefer to wait before knowing if it works in reverse, I reassure myself as I can, my means are limited to the size of my brain, although I try to correspond with the stars, but they never stop to shine while I talk to them and when I'm bored now the sun is disappearing from the sky, it turns blue, the birds sing I'm alive, happiness comes over me like water tumultuous devastates the ground floor of a house, I'm drowning in the mouth a thick mud makes me push the furniture to make sure I'm not crazy an hour passes, the sky is gray, it's raining and my attempt to count the drops of water fails on the beach, there's nobody I could change the scenario, but I must admit my mistake, everything is false on the surface, but fresh in the background, it is fair, just enough for a smooth transition, no violence, permission granted, attempted isolation without consequence, clearance to the side to release our comrades

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