when is it now

vendredi 16 octobre 2009

He did not come today, he takes a risk that I will not take if I were in his place, but I'm not, what can we say stupid things, we do not know much about many things, almost all since it is almost nothing from above, seen from below is better, but it's not glorious, drives slobbering on the edges dirty, not cleaning scheduled before three days, the weather does not help the situation, however, the longer it goes the less it will, the character becomes shrill, whistling voice, the body becomes dry to the core, it is far time the cute baby, life is spent there, the smell of decay begins to emerge from the closets, opens more windows for fear of drafts, television serves as a window on the world and indirectly on the neighbors can do more than this old fart who is the sound of his TV in depth, there's more to wait for him to leave the hospital, no one can not argue with the old, they are cooked by the 'habit of not changing their minds, they no longer have one, spend the day, then the ideas of others, it passes over their pleasure to live together, each home even if it's wrong isolated, we are told, live old is progress, but how to stay young, open, smiling, while the body fatigue, pain, depression, were not yet invented the happy pill, once in the morning have a nice day with others, and one in the evening for a good night which will allow to pass a good day tomorrow

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