when is it now

jeudi 22 octobre 2009

for now I'm alone and I love walking in Paris to cross hundreds of people, I imagine the lives of others, he is military and has four children, she is worm, but this I like the best is to suddenly share my vision with that of a woman, it lasts two seconds with a wonderful intensity, we could love, a life together, love crazy, but it only lasts two seconds, after an hour's walk, I experienced this about fifty times, that's how I saw my relationship with women, crossing their eyes, that is very economical, no dinner out, not empty talk, no privacy overflowing waiting complex, no health risk, and total respect for each other, I promised nothing, I do not deceive , no words of love, not treason, I love them all, a little bit, they are all accessible, no resistance, but rather a fun, surprise, his eyes fell by chance on my own, exchange short, it's over, they say the eyes are the windows of the soul, I think I surprised when in the eyes of a woman that little light that illuminates everything it offers, round breasts like apples or pears as long, curves that ascend and descend to give dizzy,

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