when is it now

mardi 20 octobre 2009

understand where to sit, when to bounce back, waiting for rain, we learn from the beginning in small pieces, a kiss there, a slap here, but we must wait to be adults to start singing too loudly after have well drunk to forget that the chain is not broken and need to go through that one does not come, we will not grow enough, noise, glasses being broken, the flesh hanging, smiles fat toothless, it's festive relational, work is more lucrative, it is a difficult word to say, profitable, and not enumeration, which means nothing, it lists the fanatics, but it pays workers hourly rate, it means that those who do anything they are paid as those who do everything and sometimes even more than by executives, y'en a lot that hangs with paint in the middle, green it passes, but three glasses is in the red, light white wine I am not at night, it excites me too, and this time should not push me beyond my limits, it has too many suicide is not normal, I was not stressed at work, I begin to be, I can not stand being told what I should do, anyway I'm alone in my office and person comes to see me, I await the moment of departure, this moment is happiness, all those hours before me to do anything, free until tomorrow morning, we'll see

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