when is it now

dimanche 18 octobre 2009

release your comrades, there is nothing, I alone am responsible, I could have done differently but I do not know how I slipped into the meal, these beans that offered a sense of fun, I fell inside to avoid spinning out, how it another way that humans can not doubt miss most when a sudden he is given the power to grow, he cracked the top so as not to initiate the bitterness that comes complaining from middle age, I was young and could not see the destiny digging in my shadow, the years have passed without leaving their address, can not be reached for that both ends meet, it is torn down to the last sigh, at that point everything becomes nothing and Mickey Rokit, death has no teeth, but what a pretty smile, that's how I see things with the intravenous dose in order not to obey, freedom in the face for happiness to see happen packet discarded at sea, I was in the water at the beginning of the freshwater that takes the mother enough to supply the first dream, that it's over, no regrets, I'd rather be dry,

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