when is it now

vendredi 30 octobre 2009

dangerous shortcuts, the slope is too steep, how to stand on a vertical plane, I am not a spider, crushed with a gossip magazine, it looks like something special, but I can not remember if it was in winter or dan the car of my brother, he often used to driving on the right, at least that is trying to pass, I prefer to keep that run, it's less tiring and especially that lends a whip when I'm tired, fall is when the sap down into the earth, everything can be cut for next spring it restarts more beautiful is what I told my neighbor when all Suddenly I saw before I get a woman holding a dog leash, next there was a post used for anything, they buried the phone lines this year behind, but soon I will return to find someone who speaks easily provided to make gloves, a hat, all it takes to face the cold wind, I found pleasure, as far as the summer where we can move more easily between two sprinklers, is soon the Winter cold can wait it out, then the day ends earlier, it does not bother me, sooner or later we must accept life goes in to stop a long ribbon from the belly and s 'plunges into the unknown

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