when is it now

dimanche 25 octobre 2009

rain shower thrown by the road in rolled oats sprinkled with no will to match the original plan, quickly led to safety for vital exams, the results are disastrous, no bridge between the understanding and enjoyment of the tear tissue emotional, loss of knowledge that requires first to know each other in complex, modern technology addressed to forget that the body is in despair to see in the mirror, I was at a time that I am now, my old skin is partly carried by the wind fall of ideas, nothing left of the easy irony, everything is manufactured in large quantities, professional knowledge, conduct after a meal well-watered juxtaposition of codes of honor and error rooted in the pursuit of human ideals, the arrival of love is delayed for a very long time, the child becomes an adult gathering legacy of indifference, is you my child It is time to hear that you're entitled to your destiny, you look across the days that threaten you until after you approach the limit of living like a frantic life, nothing after the interstellar void, more room for original sin, I sin I am, my flesh my door with my muscles in the direction I selected harmonic knowledge of probabilities for a concrete realization devoid of philanthropy that I leave that to the weak time to lose

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