when is it now

jeudi 15 octobre 2009

I was just ignorant and it just enough to not think about it, but now I know that life is a test that turns into a colander, I hesitate to invest in cookware, anyway I don ' not like to cook, I have no idea, so I spend my time counting the number of times I'm taking the position to stand, ie throughout the Another of my existence, admit that the exercise is difficult, although have not lived all my life, how can I participate in the operation of taking the most for the least and the sum s 'Please, we have a train to catch, make haste, the future awaits us up tonight, then it goes away in an unknown direction, it is better to catch the fly, as the bird that mocks the vertigo, but for now I just walk normally, the feet flush with the ground, it reassures me if I fall, it's head is not very high, if by cons I fell to the urge, I would go underground with rats, to drag all my loathing of existence, unable to get up until the indignation is great, but I laugh at everything, it is stronger than me, nothing affects me not to go to demonstrate in the streets or help do the dishes, I live my life and others too, no need to get excited if they saw it trying spend some time before there's nothing after there's nothing now, go ahead, but no more than if you wanted to cross without getting bogged

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