when is it now

lundi 9 février 2015

it was a start in the world

it was a start in the world before falling leaf, which remains when all is ahead is the moment after because from everyone present at that time of day it was like lightning that swept the yard like an owl had spent the evening drinking strong alcohol unless it does not last, it's just the beginning, childish because what happens in the depths of the earth c is a thud, as if opening a bottle of soda, then rises to the surface all kinds of underground passions, fertile ground, nothing however overspend because you never know what can happen, a new phone, princely surprises, or else simply ad wrong, because we had not planned to go out right away, and as we had not planned it is a gesture that passes and does not keep the rain because here it is a little thing that will not go to school because what happens is above water that falls then to not catch the sea, I start with the earth, and then then surprise, I did not know how many fish living in the aquarium, but when I passed the mop, I do not understand how I could forget the keys in the trash, suddenly wondering how to supplement my purposes months because I can do it, and it does not please me, because what I like most is dance without thinking, just for that, but for now that does not come by chance, because it who is there and wonderful, it smells good, it's a great day, everything is in my neighborhood, I did not need to go far, mustard is in the fridge, it does not flow, it is closed since Saturday and I know who is there, because I heard the church bell, and while I was there to watch the cooking I started to make a move anyone, that's when I started to laugh, and I still do not know why, it is mysterious, sometimes we share no history, no reason, no fish, no meat, just a word that comes out without order, once and then we return to the monotony a real reaction to wake up but nothing of the judgment aside, for if I understand it's not going to please everyone, and first to those who still think they are in the right place and then no, it's funny is how we manage to have when same reason, it's crazy that system where everything is played hundreds of times without tiring, knowing the dice you throw it is going to happen but it does not matter it's the same astonishment, like six, and why not four, but then it's too late, I have to sleep to be fit tomorrow and when I am ready what might happen one day, even if everything is mixed and I have to constantly stop to take a deep breath, too bad I'm getting some reason, all I expect now is to be fully, without artifice, and with plenty of time, only to be, because living is very time there was first hallucinations, then there has reverberations, gutters, cats who mourn, and all that shines a sidewalk that takes a sudden a loop, so here I can not believe this little space so quiet, get like that too far not to do what he was supposed to do, baggage, which coats , crosses, whatever that is fun when you are on vacation, which rarely happens, because I have more time for the holidays, it is very complicated to organize, and when I talk c is to accessorize reasons and everything here is tidy, it smells clean, it just was not expected to wait that long, but finally we managed to have all the good weather to not be wet, which is really very very very good when you think about all that is happening

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