when is it now

mardi 10 février 2015

One day I will go in the garden

One day I will go in the garden of eternal but for now everything moves and everything breathes loudly in the silence of the sea when all is you and I am me, but that's nice, when out how hope killers, and for the moment a unique moment that is not beautiful, just a passing moment and that is what it is, that's good and the suite is tomorrow, so for now I think we should sleep better, put his head on the pillow, waiting for the body goes to the other side, be sure to wake up in the morning, in the innocence of a child, it is hardly out of the dream and immediately you have to wake up, shake, move, because soon the time comes to leave the house tonight to face the cold to go to work, is not it a first joy to know that after the fight awaits me a cold place that can not afford to dwell, so I have to stay the whole day locked to be ready to meet the expectations of my officials, bye bye verb carefree youth, farewell cows sea farewell, adieu I have to go to work but luckily time goes on and we soon arrive at the Friday night, which makes me think that what exists is somewhere in the lack of life to shine one day in the fullness of death, a unique moment that does not remain for centuries, but still long enough to be taken seriously, it was so much about what is behind that wall, but what's happening out there sounds, I'm not alone, I have to go get my gun, and children that makes beer in the kitchen, he must stop this noise and see that the time has chosen to kill toads, unless the officer come to tell me to be careful, it may be that a prisoner escaped from the prison, then to know what time it is I do not expect I make a mistake but life is surprising, as if I was hungry, but it's been that I do not eat, feeds me with a syringe, all that is necessary for a body that dies, and when this is over I will be released from the embrace of life that allowed me to live my life and saying goodbye to me one day, because here is the limit, there is no hope, the human ends up to be transported in love and this stranger who laugh tomorrow, I do not know why I became deaf, by dint of hearing nonsense, I do not know what to do, I have to be there or here is not a problem is an organization before bathing in the light of the Lord, this is not a project, it's just the life that stops and for that too because I owe my life I have not been paying attention, I slightly lived without hurting anyone, but without worrying about where I was going and one day they told me it's over, so I said I was not aware then it was as if I went to heaven in an amazing light for the winter months where I was at that time and yet I was well until I found myself before God that this day was available, then you doing, I do not know what to say, and then I started, now that my soul is released from my body, but at that moment I realized that I n 'existed longer, and that my soul was the only one able to speak, but then how I could still have the awareness to live as my body was dead, that is another question to ask, really all about space for those who think through no paradise, but for those who think well no heaven, so what does that mean, is it a project, so I'd like to know what is the fool who thought all this because I would not have done that, first I have done last longer life, because what we have fun in life, you get bored for days, it has crazy ideas, but it does not do anything special because we are afraid of not being up to par, but that is completely human, because the height in paradise, it does not exist, it is human , it means that we have it all wrong, and the worst is that this is not new, because since humans are on earth, how much happiness, how to share a few dozen at most, everything else is evil, stupidity, and not to say more but I pass quickly, all I want is here and within a year, as I say in a year, unless it is less or more, I do know and it does not bother me, all I want is here and not elsewhere, which means that I am alive and that's fine, but then why to go there, I would like to live well as I want and have time to think about all that I can do one day but I will not do for the simple reason that I can think to do something without having the slightest desire to do that being said I'm surprised because the brain is really too much idea what use is it to think about what we could do without wanting to do, that puzzles me, and it's not as ends no later than Wednesday I realized that in some cases it could be concluded

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