when is it now

mardi 10 février 2015

One day everything

One day everything fire and turns on the back of the court to the skies of my life because in the middle of the doubt feel the urge to win, this sweet reality that does not sink into the desire to lose is how I dream the night the day I bow to the lack of service at a chance to win is address what pleases a series of grassy commantateurs, silence in the room, it awaits the arrival of a pardon, whatever the ultimate key to even if it is not finished yet, once at a time, and everything else, and because everything is here, in the field of possibilities, but as soon as addresses the moment everything has launched an impressive speed which makes me think of other less glorious moment but who prepared this fragile moment and tender, and therefore like how it's done through here, I wonder how you get to join the period and comma, on it I realize that I went too far and in a gesture of generosity moderate I am referring to the space between two words, right now it's easier, because we are all of agree that it is necessary to make sense to separate words so that everyone has a place, it's all who laughs, but the particular anxiety of not knowing what he will do next, it is always the weak link which scuppered the brilliant idea because the air there are poisons, it is sure that it bothers the main approach, then all it does is a simple choice, a well considered to be advanced placed just in the right place between two bodies dancing in the evening light, and for more I approach slowly and I'm like I could traverse space without looking at my body but with all the pleasure of seeing what exists outside of any pending appointments other than those necessary to the most ardent supporter of football club caught in the midst of a dramatic moment when it became known that a friend of a friend of a police officer took a bottle to put the orange juice, then it took an hour to know that it is worth continuing to hope to defeat a day, but it is still not quite finished, because for years I pass and I will return without heat, so that everything is soft, once I have understood the hardness I can push the tension and then reach the bun to an alert without sausage I think I am able to tie a knot so that it takes twice as long, and before putting the water to boil I have a dream I want to be prescient, but it is not an emergency, all I know is put in one place that I keep in the heart of my life, all of the direct result of lighter weight, I seek an acceptable now, what happens is huge, roofs are red, the walls are white, and especially in the middle of the square a fountain tosses water that falls result in a large watertight basin and it continues for hours, I look but after a while I have an idea and if I was going to see what is happening elsewhere, so not to obstruct the movement of cars stay on the sidewalk and when I pass someone I do not watch it, so I avoided thinking about what can happen when meets the gaze of someone to see what it hides deep, it takes too much time and I'm already late because my fate is going on in an hour, and I only have time to to go, to be sure not to miss my life at that time, you never know what can happen, a mechanical problem, a wicked woman who will not have the pleasure in front of her and what left by the last boat in another direction I have no news, they all died in a nuclear accident or so are there any parties in starting what is lacking at best course to chair a session unless in a dialogue of the deaf means a pin drop when she goes, what she thinks of the international situation, when the shells will fall to pull the arms or legs, where is peace to live together in the harmony is it fear of losing his life for love to grow up hope, which is not done, it is a small program error, it generates the sound of water flowing vertically and when it arrives at the bottom it takes more space, what happens is a complete change of movement, we start from the obvious to get to the hidden, what is most visible is the human action, which n is not desired is to put a cat in the oven, but what is the simpler it is to walk in the street and to reach a point on the map, which is done quickly because I m 'not necessary to walk for two months to go to the sea what I usually do is a small course in reverse in luck because there is always a bench to rest, which suits me because the point view of mental health I have no plans to get better, so to find out what happens when all is discovered it is the return on investment, because when we understood that everything is connected like a bale of straw and all that in winter, but this is not it

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