when is it now

jeudi 5 février 2015

Once and I'm going

Once and I'm going, but I was already too late, I could not move back, I had to get help so I prayed for someone to come save me, who had been unable to find himself the path of healing, then miraculously I opened as a thing can be opened when we accept that it goes in the middle, without feeling any disturbing because I like it when c is stored, it takes time to find out where you put all that, so when I came to this place, I immediately said, well, it's funny, I say this because in general I prefer to laugh crying, and now it's a funny music, first it is dout and then it becomes a siren screaming, I can not go on, I must so immediately, but everything is stuck, I'm stuck I can not move, I knock at the door quite violently and I hear voices above me, I wonder what is happening, and then suddenly the lid is lifted, I see the sunlight I raised and I see my famile that is around me, and when I look around I see that we are in a cemetery and then I understand that I died, while all is well for me so here I do not understand, this is not what I ate, what I drank what I did yesterday, which led me into death, but it's true that for some time I was bored, I could not even find fun, so there dying to find a new source of fantasy, but I do not have time to think everyone rushes around me, everybody cries of happiness, I'm not dead, it was a medical error that last night had drunk too much wine and when he came to tell us that I was dead he fell on the bed, dead drunk and then me everything immediately put in a coffin that kept to the old as time no end not to live here and then we went to have a drink because emotions you hungry and I suddenly I was left in the right humor and joy of living so when you do not feel well, that life has lost color, nothing beats a small passage in a coffin, but beware you must not expect too much, because if we do not wake up in time, it was buried under the earth, I still expected a small knife that I had put in my pocket, always plan ahead, it can serve, before moving to the shade, I believe that it is better to live long enough to discover all the good things that are revealed slowly, because life is not pressed, she eternity to her as the human running in all directions before s' realize that everything is there in front of me in the silence of the morning before the vacuum advance is that forgets to hold dogs, and in a gesture of great meaning I understand why I'm here, sitting, standing, lying in an hour in a month from now and hear the birds singing a sweet song, but also to have the feel lucky, a unique moment that comes from afar, Saudi my childhood when dictators inviting tourists to visit the temple of the dead, and how not believe it's Wednesday before Thursday and everything is open on Mondays, Tuesdays, but not the ashtray, for there is an output bath, immediately, without waiting for the appetizer, because what happens is a pile reversal to process which avoids choosing the more pleasant that turns into a heat source for the buttocks, and now without waiting for the greatest mystery of life collapses into the significance of random measurements, it is a step for mankind, unless one is still stuck in a living space, which means to be green because here we do old who want to mumble in their corner, here it is open, the mind is no longer seeking to gain by losing the low, which would mean that everything is perfect, a new hope, a thing that is not Atomic, because here we do not need weapons to sing together, what happens is wonderful, but we always need to look to find is slow and it quickly becomes a mistake that s' enters a tunnel, it is not appropriate to the world front, which also happens in the evening to have time to close the shutters and the single choice that includes breakfast and the roof coming down to the bottom and the fair parched pear guaranteed freshness private moments, but now it opens, I do not have time to live, we must announce to everyone that the time has reached the southern boundary and ice is ready to serve over a volcano spewing lava and whiter for that too all the time which is a little much to madness, to be, to have, achieve, from far away to forget the present and see what it's like to lose a kilo in the room, on the highway, in simple places, and right now for what I expect, dark songs, a lost temptation and also chalk who would like to draw a line on the blackboard, just a line to separate

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